Wednesday 15 August 2012

So those jabs hurt....

The title is pretty self explanatory. If you are going to South America and need to get your jabs done be warned: they hurt like a bitch.

Don't get me wrong when you actually get the jabs, doesn't really hurt that much, barely a scratch. As long as you don't look, they're not too bad at all. However, getting 4 jabs across 2 arms.........the next day kills. Muscles felt absolutely destroyed the next day! Not ideal for a single man :P I kid, I kid. But seriously.....not good. haha oh well at least I'll be safe from all those diseases when I go to Brazil. Except if I get rabies.....or malaria. So pretty much I'll be avoiding animals like the that I don't catch it!

Not a very interesting entry I know, but filling the void until I can actually do exciting things on my Year Abroad. Watch this space!

Andy C

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