Saturday 18 August 2012

Brazil Visas?

Hello everyone! Another pretty self explanatory title. I'm going away to study in Brazil in about 6 months and I dont know whether I need a visa or not! My uni is being very uncooperative and I'm not finding anything useful on the internet. I'm going to the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais in Belo Horizonte for their first semester so also if anyone knows any definite dates for that, I would be very grateful if you left a comment!

Whilst the Year Abroad Office has been incredibly helpful before, in this instance I'm getting nothing from the SPLAS department! (Thats Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies for all you non-linguists! Yer quite a mouthful :P) Emailed again and again and had no response so hopefully there is someone out there who can fill me in and hopefully I can sort it out before I head off to Germany in 2 weeks! Scary stuff!

Well if you are out there, Helpful Brazilian Studing Person, I would love for you to get in contact.


Andy C


Wednesday 15 August 2012

So those jabs hurt....

The title is pretty self explanatory. If you are going to South America and need to get your jabs done be warned: they hurt like a bitch.

Don't get me wrong when you actually get the jabs, doesn't really hurt that much, barely a scratch. As long as you don't look, they're not too bad at all. However, getting 4 jabs across 2 arms.........the next day kills. Muscles felt absolutely destroyed the next day! Not ideal for a single man :P I kid, I kid. But seriously.....not good. haha oh well at least I'll be safe from all those diseases when I go to Brazil. Except if I get rabies.....or malaria. So pretty much I'll be avoiding animals like the that I don't catch it!

Not a very interesting entry I know, but filling the void until I can actually do exciting things on my Year Abroad. Watch this space!

Andy C

Monday 13 August 2012

Jabs for Brazil.......painful or not?

Anyone had jabs for going to Brazil? I'm getting a whole array of nasty diseases jabbed in to me today. Not sure how everyone else feels about them but I don't like the thought of bits of Tetanus, Typhoid, Hepatitus A and some casual Yellow Fever going around my body! If I have some adverse reaction and end up with wings or something, I'm not going to be a happy bunny.

Well I'll let you know how it goes!

Andy C


3 weeks to unprepared.

Hello everyone out there!

My name is Andy and this is my first blog. I'm a langauges student at Nottingham Uni (representing UoN on my travels), studying German, Spanish and Portuguese and in 3 weeks today I'll be jetting off to Germany to start my year abroad.......and I'm bricking it. I'm going to Heidelberg University for 6 months, then to Universidade Federal de Mina Gerais in Belo Horizonte, Brazil for a semester followed by a summer working in Spain (although nothing planned yet so if anyone has a job out there for me let me know!)

Now that I've stopped my summer job, I now have the time to relax, go out with my friends and really think about going to Germany......shit. I have done no German all summer, got nothing packed, not chosen my's all going a bit tits up haha. Well maybe not that bad but still I am not prepared at all to live in another all. 

Anyway this is just an intro blog so will let you all know how it's going and hopefully you'll find it interesting.  Hit me up with some comments if you like.



(p.s if anyone goes or is going to Heidelberg Uni please explain how their modules system works? Geniuinely want to know if I can study English History as well as Star Trek Studies......and no that last one isn't a joke!)