Monday 3 December 2012

Christmas Time in Heidelberg

Hello loyal readers!

So the Christmas season has officially hit Heidelberg! The Christmas markets are abundant, the Gluhwein is flowing and even some snow has graced us with its presence! This is definitely the best time to visit Germany (despite the cold!).

So now I will catch you up on some of my activities since I last posted.  Well last weekend I went up "Philosophen Weg" with the beautiful Miss Sophie Baker. This is the mountain which overlooks Heidelberg and apparently back in the olden days, this is where intellectuals went to gain some inspiration. Despite a few lovely few hours walk with great company, I came to no life changing epiphanies except that my legs would really hurt the next day. We got some great pictures of Heidelberg and towards the top we came across an old Nazi amphitheatre where they apparantly "didn't" hold any rallies. My judgement on that is still out but it still was very impressive. What was more impressive was a couple working out by running up and down the stairs repeatedly.....whilst Sophie and I stuffed our faces with some bakery goods. :)

Last week, I also went up to Frankfurt to visit my old Dad, who was there on a HP conference. I booked a coach to go up to Frankfurt and back on the Tuesday night. When I arrived at the coach, the driver said in German "You must be picking someone up if you're coming back tonight?" "No, I am visiting my father who is there for work..... and because I'm a student, I cannot resist a free hot meal!" I was then treated to a lovely meal with Big Dave, complete with amazing dessert.

Now on to the Christmas markets. Christmas or "Weihnachten" is a huge deal in Germany. They go all out, no expenses spared. If you have the chance to come Germany over this time, you have to get some Gluhwein. It is similar to mulled wine back home but a lot tastier.....and more alcoholic. I've been trying to avoid the Christmas market for a while because it is near impossible to not end up spending ridiculous amounts of money on all the good food, drink and possible Christmas presents.

At Univeristaetsplatz, one of the main squares in Heidelberg, there is a Christmas shop which is open all year round...and it is incredible. Its like Santa's Grotto on steroids. I have never seen so many Christmas decorations in my whole life but they quite expensive and incredibly fragile. However when you enter this maze of baubles and 50 euro tinsle, you get this weird feeling. I'm not talking about Christmas joy or anything like that, I'm talking about fear. Let me explain. Remember when you were a kid and you and your family went to a family friends/ family members house who obviously didn't have kids? All the cool things you just want to touch and look at, but you've been warned by your mum "not to touch anything or you'll break it"...... thats exactly how I felt in this shop. Incredibly aware of the lonely 5 euro note in my wallet which wouldn't even cover a ceramic sheep on the 300 euro Nativity set. Terrifying.  However if you do get a chance, it is a must-do in Heidelberg. Even if you feel like a bull in a china shop.

The last thing to mention is the snow. Snow is definitely my favourite weather. To the point where I got so excited on Saturday night, I went for a walk at 4am just to walk in the snow. One thing I have noticed though is how the Germans are so efficient when it comes to snow. It snowed about 1-2cm on Saturday night and by the time I had finished my lovely winter stroll about 4.45am, there were already trucks on the road de-icing. The Germans definitely live up to their efficient reputation here. If the UK had had this much snow, all the schools would have been cancelled, cars abandoned in the roads, supermarkets ransacked and people preparing for the Armageddon.

Well thats all I can think of so far. Enjoy the pictures!

Andy C


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